Empowering Children to Speak with Confidence

At our clinic, we understand that every child's journey to fluent communication is unique. We specialize in providing science-based speech therapy services for children between the ages of 2 and 7 years old, with a primary focus on helping children overcome stuttering while their brain may be able to do so. What sets us apart is our commitment to empowering parents and caregivers to make informed choices that best suit their family's needs. Our approach is rooted in compassion, understanding, and a wealth of personal and professional experience.

Our Expertise:

As a trained speech-language therapist, I bring years of experience working with children who stutter. My qualifications include:

  • Providing both online and in-person therapy for children who stutter, ensuring accessibility and flexibility for families.
  • Serving as a therapist at the Association des Jeunes Bègues du Québec's summer camp in 2023, gaining hands-on experience in a supportive environment.
  • Personal experience using speech therapy to help my own child overcome stuttering, giving me a unique perspective as a therapist and parent.
  • Training in the Lidcombe program, a well-supported approach to stuttering treatment.
  • Expertise in identifying and addressing avoidance behaviors in children, a critical aspect of effective stuttering treatment.
  • Extensive experience in parental coaching to empower parents to employ communication strategies that enable their children to reach their full potential in language, speech, and communication skills.

Our Services:

We offer a range of specialized services tailored to children aged 2 to 7 years old:

  • Screening Services: For parents concerned about their child's speech but uncertain about the next steps, we provide screenings to help you make informed decisions about your child's communication development.
  • Speech and Language Assessments: Our assessments confirm whether stuttering is present in your child's speech and differentiate it from other conditions, ensuring an accurate diagnosis.
  • Stuttering Therapy: Our evidence-based speech therapy is customized to meet each child's unique needs, fostering improved communication fluency.
  • Parental Coaching: We empower parents with coaching and guidance on communication strategies to support their child's language, speech, and communication development.
  • Insurance Billing: We work with insurance coverage to make our services accessible and affordable, charging only what's not covered.
  • Creative and Nature-Based Intervention: We believe in making therapy engaging and enjoyable, incorporating creative arts and nature-based elements to create a fun and enriching experience for children.
  • Flexible Approaches: We adapt our approach based on the child's awareness of their stuttering and the chosen therapy path, whether working with parents only or with both parents and the child.
  • Family-Centered Care: Our approach involves the family every step of the way, with initial appointments dedicated to discussing approaches and goals.

Informed Decision-Making:

We believe in providing parents with science-based information, options, and the autonomy to make choices that align with their family's values and circumstances. We respect your unique journey and tailor our recommendations accordingly. Together, we work toward the best outcomes while ensuring that your family feels understood and supported.

Supporting Children Who Continue to Stutter:

It's essential to recognize that even with intervention, some children may continue to stutter. Our commitment extends to offering these children the support they need to lead fulfilling lives with stuttering. We help them be their true selves and develop into confident communicators.

Empowering Families:

We also focus on helping families develop their skills to support their children if stuttering continues. Our goal is to create a nurturing communication environment that fosters growth and confidence, regardless of the journey ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What is the typical age range for children who benefit from your services?

  • Children, teenagers, and adults of all ages can benefit from our services. It's never too soon or too late to seek help for stuttering.

2. How do I know if my child's stuttering is a cause for concern?

  • If your child is bothered by their stuttering or if you as parents are worried, it's a good idea to consult with us. Additionally, if there are concerns about a hostile communication environment related to stuttering, seeking guidance is advisable.

3. What can I expect during the initial consultation?

  • The initial consultation serves as an informative session to address parents' questions and concerns about stuttering. It's an opportunity to debunk myths and stereotypes with science-backed information. During this meeting, we also assess the family's needs, whether it's a screening, assessment, or parental coaching. Services often begin at this stage. If screening or assessment is chosen, we start the process, which may involve interviews and observations. If parental coaching is selected, we begin showing and modeling strategies for fostering a positive communication environment at home.

4. How does insurance billing work?

  • We use TELUS e-reclamation services to process insurance claims. With your insurance information, we check if we can charge the insurance directly and only bill you for what is not covered. Billing is processed online through credit cards or Intract e-transfer, and a receipt is automatically sent after payment. Billing is typically sent at the end of each session.

5. What is the duration of therapy sessions?

  • The first session is one hour long. The subsequent sessions depend on the chosen service modality. For parents of young children who stutter, it's common to offer a block of six sessions, with a weekly or bi-weekly schedule, to ensure parents use effective strategies at home. Session duration can vary, especially with specific approaches like the Lidcombe approach, which are adjusted on a case-by-case basis.

6. Can I stop therapy at any time?

  • Yes, there are no obligations to continue therapy at any point. You have the flexibility to decide when to start or stop services based on your child's progress and your family's needs.

7. What are the qualifications of the therapist?

  • Our therapist is a speech-language pathologist accredited by the Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec, ensuring high standards of professional practice.

8. How long does speech therapy typically take to show results?

  • The timeframe for seeing results varies among clients. Changes in a child's reaction to stuttering and stuttering frequency and intensity can be observed. Results can appear as early as after one session, especially when stuttering is bothersome. The involvement and interest of parents and caregivers play a significant role in the therapy process.

9. Can you work with children who have other speech or language difficulties in addition to stuttering?

  • Absolutely. It's common for children to present multiple challenges. We address all their needs to prioritize the most detrimental aspects of their development and ensure the best chances of intervention success.

10. Do you offer online therapy sessions?

  • Yes, we provide online therapy sessions to ensure accessibility and flexibility for our clients.

11. Is there a guarantee that my child will overcome stuttering with therapy?

  • There are no guarantees. However, with appropriate support, we can provide your child with the best chances of developing excellent speech, language, and communication skills.

12. Are there activities and resources to complement therapy at home?

  • Yes, we suggest resources and activities tailored to the specific needs expressed by your family. We believe in active involvement in the therapy process and can provide guidance on effective at-home strategies.

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